Advocating for UX Design and cross-functional collaboration at a start-up

In 2022, when Omni Strategies pivoted from contract software to consumer products, I seized the opportunity to boost efficiency across the product suite.

As Design Lead, I spearheaded the introduction of high-level design thinking, UX design principles, and built a dedicated design team.

In 2022, after a year at Omni Strategies, I transitioned to a leadership role as we began developing ',' our flagship product.

I spearheaded this shift from contract software developer to consumer software product company, focusing on user experience and brand consistency.

My Role
My Role

Head of Design

Key Collaborators
Key Collaborators
  • Chief Executive Officer

  • Head of Business Operations

  • Product Manager

  • Head of Engineering

  • Product Designer

  • Content Designer

Banner - Illustration of R.O. collaborating with stakeholders to intorduct design to Omni Strategies
Banner - Illustration of R.O. collaborating with stakeholders to intorduct design to Omni Strategies
Banner - Illustration of R.O. collaborating with stakeholders to intorduct design to Omni Strategies

Design thinking drives efficiency in uncertain times

After four years delivering solutions in cybersecurity, insurance, and geospatial tech for Africa's tech scene, Omni Strategies faced a new challenge: economic pressures demanded a shift from contract work to consumer software.

Recognizing inefficiencies in product quality and stakeholder frustration (identified through collaboration with engineering and product teams), I saw an opportunity to leverage design thinking.

This case study details my year-long journey to improve the product development process and team efficiency, ultimately driving a successful transition to consumer software.

A chart on the effects of design thinking introduction at Omni strategies
A chart on the effects of design thinking introduction at Omni strategies
Evolution of Omni as I introduced design
Evolution of Omni as I introduced design

Building alignment & transparency

Building alignment & transparency

Open communication and collaboration are crucial for success.

I fostered transparency across departments – design, product, and engineering – by establishing regular communication channels and collaborative workshops. This ensured everyone was aligned on project goals, user needs, and design decisions.

Banner - Team alignment & transparency
Banner - Team alignment & transparency

Why this solution?

Knowledge gap

Limited understanding of design processes and value among teams and leadership.


Disjointed communication and lack of transparency hindered project progress.

Decrease stakeholder frustration

The constant rise of stakeholder frustration due to failed expectations was hindering access to resources for teams.

What I did

Knowledge sharing

I conducted workshops to educate various teams and leadership on design thinking principles and their benefits.

R.O. knowledge sharing to various teams
R.O. knowledge sharing to various teams
Process development

I collaborated to create a new product development process, documenting it for clarity and involving stakeholders in optimization.

Before meets after - Improving the development process
Before meets after - Improving the development process
Transparency initiatives

I implemented project charters to provide insights on design involvement, timelines, and budgets.

Project charter checklist
Project charter checklist
Project charter checklist

How did it go?

Image grid of results - Initial stakeholder friction, bridged knowledge gap, streamlined workflowss weekly syncs
Image grid of results - Initial stakeholder friction, bridged knowledge gap, streamlined workflowss weekly syncs
Image grid of results - Initial stakeholder friction, bridged knowledge gap, streamlined workflowss weekly syncs
Initial stakeholder friction

Leaders initially resisted the change due to perceived efficiency concerns, despite the actual process time remaining the same.

Bridged the knowledge gap

Workshops and communication initiatives improved design understanding across the organisation.

Streamlined workflows

The new product development process enhanced efficiency and reduced project roadblocks.

Weekly syncs enchancing collaboration

Weekly meetings and frameworks fostered a more collaborative and communicative work environment.

Building a design team

Building a design team

To champion user-centricity and ensure consistent design quality across all products,

I spearheaded the creation of a dedicated design team. This team would be the voice of the user and a central point of contact for design expertise throughout the development process.

Banner - Team structure including design
Banner - Team structure including design
Banner - Team structure including design

Why this solution?

Limited design expertise

The existing workload required a dedicated design team to tackle responsibilities across the company.

Resource constraints

Financial limitations necessitated building a team with efficiency in mind.

What I did

Prioritized hiring

I facilitated the hiring of a product designer, content designer, and graphic designer, focusing on roles that would maximize impact.

Venn diagram - The power of the combined design team
Venn diagram - The power of the combined design team
Team structure

I created a team structure with clear roles and responsibilities, assigning members to collaborative units based on their strengths.

Diagram - Design team structure
Diagram - Design team structure
Diagram - Design team cross-functional pairs
Diagram - Design team cross-functional pairs

How did it go?

Image grid of results - Motivated team, increased design capacity, improved collaboration
Image grid of results - Motivated team, increased design capacity, improved collaboration
Image grid of results - Motivated team, increased design capacity, improved collaboration
Increased design capacity

The design team effectively handled design tasks across the company, alleviating the workload burden.

Improved collaboration

Embedding designers within different units fostered transparency and alignment between teams.

Motivated team

The focus on career development empowered the team and fostered a culture of continuous learning.

Sustainable design frameworks

Sustainable design frameworks

Building a sustainable foundation for user-centred product development was crucial.

I implemented design thinking methodologies and user research practices throughout the design process within the company's resource constraints.

Banner - Constraints vs quality
Banner - Constraints vs quality

Why this solution?

Inefficient processes

The existing development process lacked user-centricity and resulted in rework and delays.

Limited resources

Time and resource constraints necessitated a lean approach to design and development.

What I did

Lean UX integration

Lean UX integration

I incorporated lean UX principles, including user research, usability testing, and agile collaboration, into the workflow.

UX workshop reuslts and approved practices
UX workshop reuslts and approved practices
Rationale behind lean UX practice selection
Rationale behind lean UX practice selection
Design thinking implementation

I introduced design thinking practices to prioritize user needs and ensure user-centred product development.

Our unique process - diagram
Our unique process - diagram
Developer handoffs

Developer handoffs

I established a developer handoff process to streamline communication and reduce feedback loops.

'Way of working' 2021
'Way of working' 2021
'Way of working' 2022
'Way of working' 2022
'Way of working' 2023
'Way of working' 2023
Accessible design standards

Accessible design standards

I introduced accessible design practices to ensure products were inclusive for users.

Accessibility checklist
Accessibility checklist

How did it go?

Image grid of results - Reduced product rework, people-focused approach, improved product quality
Image grid of results - Reduced product rework, people-focused approach, improved product quality
Image grid of results - Reduced product rework, people-focused approach, improved product quality
People-focused approach

Design thinking ensured products were built to meet actual people's needs, reducing the risk of market failure.

Reduced development time

Lean UX practices minimised rework and streamlined the development process.

Improved product quality

Usability testing and developer handoffs elevated the overall quality of deliverables.

Scalable design system

Scalable design system

As our product portfolio grew, maintaining design consistency and efficiency became a challenge. To address this, I led the development of a centralized design system.

Banner - Design System figma homepage
Banner - Design System figma homepage

Why this solution?

Multi-product challenge

Maintaining design consistency across a growing product portfolio was becoming difficult.

Efficiency gains

A centralised design system could save time and resources in the long run.

What I did

Presented the value proposition

I secured leadership buy-in by outlining the benefits of a design system for efficiency and product quality. This included potential cost savings through reduced development time and fewer design inconsistencies.

Collaboration & development

Collaboration & development

I collaborated with engineering and product teams to define the design system roadmap and technology stack. This involved identifying core components, defining design patterns, and selecting appropriate tools (e.g., Storybook) to facilitate development and maintenance.

How did it go?

Foundation for a scalable future
Foundation for a scalable future
Foundation established

We implemented core components and guidelines across the existing product suite. This initial rollout served as a strong foundation for future product development and ensured consistency across the user experience.

Streamlined design process

The design system empowered designers to work more efficiently, focusing on innovation rather than repetitive tasks.

Scalability for future growth

The modular approach established a scalable foundation that could readily adapt and grow as the product portfolio expanded.

My legacy

My legacy

My multi-part plan transformed Omni Strategies. A new design team and user-focused approach led to products that solved user problems. Collaboration soared, making workflows smooth and efficient.

Most importantly, a design-centric culture began to take root within Omni Strategies, fostering a shared understanding of the value of design in creating successful products.

Image grid of results - +3 Designers, ~87.% development efficeincy increase, reduced rework and faster product iterations, increase design and engineering collaboration, increased stakeholder buy-in
Image grid of results - +3 Designers, ~87.% development efficeincy increase, reduced rework and faster product iterations, increase design and engineering collaboration, increased stakeholder buy-in

Key takeaways

Curiosity promotes growth

Joining as the first product designer, collaborating, and mentoring some of the best people I have ever worked with would not have been possible without being constantly curious. Try and try again, always stay curious!

The power of structure

Previously, teams worked in an ad-hoc manner which led to inefficiencies. Implementing a standardized process, even a basic one, fostered a more cohesive product experience and a smoother workflow.

A great team goes a long way

Under intense pressure, working with great people was something I cherished.

Thanks 💛 to my team of designers: Deborah O., Yaw Precious T. and Enyonam A.

Built with hours of energy and lots of revisions 😮‍💨

Built with hours of energy and lots of revisions 😮‍💨

©️ 2024 Raymond (R.O.) Okhidievbie

©️ 2024 Raymond (R.O.) Okhidievbie